The Midwest Hockey Program will be renaming the Midwest Mustangs to the Minnesota Otters. The Midwest Mustangs name served us well, but we are excited for the new journey.
There are a few reasons for the name change. Most importantly we wanted to ensure that our identity aligns with our mission of creating teams that cultivates well-rounded individuals who excel both on and off the ice and demonstrate strong character, emphasizing the importance of effort, attitude, leadership, and teamwork. Second, we want to offer more skill development opportunities for youth hockey players in the Northwest Metro. The Otters will be having not only AAA Hockey teams, but camps and clinics as well. These camps and clinics will be announced in the upcoming months. The Otters will have highly accomplished coaching staff committed to pushing our athletes beyond their comfort zones and holding them to a high level of accountability. Each player receives personalized instruction designed to help them reach their full potential, ensuring they are well-prepared for the upcoming season. Below you will find the tryout information. Please register online for tryouts. If you have any questions, please reach out.
2024 AAA TEAMSAAA Teams are all taking players via referral or tryouts. Choose from the Teams drop down or select your club by clicking the logo. Full details on each club and team page. Season starts end of March 2023. Over 50 teams with Midwest Hockey!!!! |
Your Selections
About Us
Our guiding principles are; work ethic, attitude, and enjoyment of the game of hockey.
Midwest offers; competitive AAA programs, clinics that allow players to develop their skills, tournaments, and both on/off ice training.
The philosophy of Midwest is in teaching the fundamentals of hockey and allowing highly skilled players to compete with other players of their caliber. Too often, we see programs that focus on complex systems rather than the basic skills necessary to separate yourself from the competition. We formed our program because we saw a need to bring hockey development back to the basics.
As the players move through the program from year to year, they are gradually exposed to more complex concepts of the game, while maintaining emphasis on the necessary skills to advance their hockey abilities.
Contact Us
Why are try-outs being held in September for next Spring's season?
What happens after try-outs?
When will Program Costs and details be finalized?
Once all Try-outs are completed, Midwest Mustangs will begin finalizing program offerings. Our goal is in proving excellent and relevant programs. This requires coach/parent input. Every year we receive feedback from the parents prior to the start of the season that indicates potential conflicting schedules, teams that want more ice instead of less, and coaches who offer suggestions as to what level of commitment their team is wanting to make. Based on this feedback we will structure a season around that.
We do our best prior to the tryout to indicate the approximate range of commitment that can be expected for that specific team. One thing that we have learned over the years is that a "cookie cutter" program and the one size fits all doesn't work for youth AAA sports. This past season we had one team asking us to cut back on their schedule and have more games less practices, we had another team ask for no tournaments and only league play or scrimmages, and we had another team that ended up playing in 2 extra tournaments and scheduling an extra 10 hours of practice.
Program elements will be posted online as soon as they become available.
Why do I register online?
How do I get updates or more information?
Why do many of the teams have different itineraries?