- Gender: Male & Female
- Dates: May 16-19, 2025
- Age: 2011-2018
- Location: Saskatoon, SK
Female Event
Male Event
Hometown Series
Event Details
Named after the legendary Gordie Howe, join us in Saskatoon for a 5 game guarantee tournament!
This event will have strong competition in AAA and AA divisions for both male and female teams.
Reach out to secure your teams spot!
Standings and Stats
Aberdeen Rec. Complex
225 Central Ave Highway 765
Aberdeen, SK S0K 0A0
Get Directions -
ACT Arena
107 105 Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7N 1Z2
Get Directions -
Canlan Sports Agriplace
205 Apex St
Saskatoon, SK S7R 1C3
Get Directions -
Canlan Sports Jemini
2301 Grasswood East Road, 2301 Grasswood Rd
Grasswood, SK S7T 1C8
Get Directions
Each team may register 20 players. 18 skaters plus two goaltenders may dress for each game. A maximum of five team leaders (Coaches/Manager/Trainers) will be allowed on the team bench during a game.
The roster as submitted on each team's first tournament game sheet will be considered FINAL and those players listed on the first game sheet of the tournament will be the ONLY players allowed to compete for the duration of the tournament. Coaches and managers should be included on final roster.
Each team must submit an online roster of players eligible to play in the NAHC tournament. All changes to the online roster MUST be made prior to the first game, otherwise stats for your team will not be kept, and this includes correct jersey assignments as well (see rule 4).
Players are only allowed to be on a roster of 1 team, per age group, per weekend. A player may participate in their own age group and an older age group, but may NOT participate in two divisions of the same age group (ie. A 2005 born player, may participate in only one 2005 division, and participate in only one 2004 division.
Birth certificates for all players must be carried with the team and be available for inspection upon request. If a player is unable to produce their birth certificate upon request, he or she will be unable to participate for the remainder of the tournament. Teams must provide proof of insurance at tournament check-in along with their waiver-completed form.
Dressing room assignments will be posted each day on the main board in each arena. Any damage to a dressing room will be charged to that team (if you see any damage when you first enter your room please contact the arena attendant). NAHC is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property.
The first team listed is the HOME team and will be identified on each schedule. ALL TEAMS MUST HAVE A SET OF BOTH LIGHT AND DARK JERSEYS. The home team will wear LIGHT colored jerseys and the away team will wear DARK.
Each team may appoint a Captain and a maximum of three Alternate Captains. Prior to the start of the game, the Manager or Coach of each team will note the names and numbers of the Captain and Alternate Captain(s) on the Official Game Report.
When the Captain or Alternate Captain receives a penalty, they will lose their privileges for the duration of the penalty and must proceed directly to the Penalty Bench. Any player who fails to do so will be penalized under Rule 11.1 (d)(iv) – Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
Any Captain, Alternate Captain or other player who leaves their Players’ Bench to discuss any interpretation of the rules with the Referee will be assessed a delay of game penalty (10.1 ix).
All inquiries during game play should be directed through Captain and Alternate Captains. Referees are not required to discuss interpretations with coaches during Game Play. Coaches may request a conversation with Referees between periods or post game. These conversations are not mandatory and are at the discretion of the officials.
Starting line-ups will not have to be identified, however the starting goaltender must be circled on the game sheet.
Teams MUST be prepared to play 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
All referees are approved and are under the direction of a Referee in Chief.
Teams will be allowed a five-minute warm-up at the beginning of the game. If the tournament is running behind the allotted time, warm-up time will be reduced. Teams must stay on their side of the center red line. The referee must be on ice for warm-up.
The referee shall determine which team leaves the ice surface first.
Ice floods will occur after every game.
Helmets and full-face protectors are mandatory for all players. The use of neck guards and mouth guards will be mandatory based upon the rules of your home province or state. Players not conforming to these standards will not be allowed to play until the required equipment is in place. If a player, except a goaltender, loses his or her helmet during the play, that player must immediately stop and pick up his or her helmet and put it on, or leave the ice surface. All helmet straps must be reconnected prior to re-entering the game. If a goaltender loses his/her facemask play will be stopped immediately.
All alternate goaltenders are required to wear protection while the game is in progress. If a team changes their goaltender, no warm-up is permitted.
All games in the tournament are 15-minute stop-time periods. Should a team have a lead of five goals or more at the start of the second period, running time shall apply. Should this lead revert back to three goals or less, stop time will resume. This mercy rule will apply to ALL games of the tournament.
The clock will not be stopped during straight time (i.e. when the mercy rule is in effect) while the referee deals with any penalties.
(a). Penalties during Stop-Time: Minor: Two (2) minutes- Double Minor (2) + (2) - Major: Five (5) minutes - Misconduct: Ten (10) minutes
(b). Penalties during Mercy Rule: Minor: Two (2) minutes. Double Minor (2) + (2)- Major Five (5) minutes
Interpretation 2 Rule 4.8 (b) For the purposes of accumulation towards a Game Ejection penalty, a double Minor penalty will be considered one infraction. (Head Contact, Kneeing, Slew Foot, Spear, Butt-End, Head Butting) Leaving Players Bench also comes with additional GM.
Any player who receives four total penalties in one game will be ejected for the remainder of that game.
There will be no overtime in the Round Robin games. Points will he awarded as follows: Two (2) for a win, One (1) for a tie, Zero (0) for a loss.
The playoff format will be adjusted to reflect the number of teams in each division. The seeding of teams will be based on where they ended up after round robin play.
If teams are tied at the end of regulation time, there will be a one-minute break with no ice flood. Teams will not change ends. After the one-minute break, (A-Side Playoffs) 5 minutes will be put on the clock and played out at stop time with three [3] skaters and a goalie on each side. The first team that scores shall be declared the winner at any point during the overtime. (B or C Side Consolation Playoffs) 5 minutes will be put on the clock and played out at stop time with three [3] skaters and a goalie on each side. The first team that scores shall be declared the winner at any point during the overtime. If there is still a tie after the overtime, there will be a shootout to declare the winner. The shootout rules are as follows:
If there is still a tie after the overtime, there will be a shootout to declare the winner. The shootout rules are as follows:
Each team will pick three players. The visiting team will shoot first and alternates to home team until all three players have taken their turn. If a winner is not declared, then each team will choose one player at a time to shoot until a player scores at the end of the rotation. ONLY PLAYERS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN PREVIOUSLY SELECTED WILL BE ALLOWED TO SHOOT. Each player on your entire team must shoot before reusing a previous player (except goaltenders). This will continue until a winner is declared. If there is a penalty near the end of overtime, the penalty will carry into the next overtime period.
Team standings shall be determined by total points as set out in Rule 15. To determine team standings in the event of a tie in points, the following criteria shall be used: (1) The winner of the game between the two tied teams shall be deemed the winner. In the event of a tie between more than two teams, this tie breaking criteria shall not apply in any circumstances. (2) If still tied after the first criteria, or if the first criterion is not applicable, the team that has the most wins at the end of the round robin play shall be deemed the winner. (3) If still tied after the most wins criteria, the best plus minus goals to a max of + 7 and - 7 per game shall be deemed the winner. (4) If still tied after the plus minus criteria, the least goals against shall be deemed the winner (total goals against during round robin play). (5) If still tied after the least goals against criteria, goals for shall be deemed the winner (total goals for during round robin play). If no winner is declared after the goals for criteria, there will be a coin toss to declare a playoff spot.
Regular icing rules will apply, the no touch rule will be in effect.
There will be NO red line or centerline for offside passes.
The tournament committee reserves the right to adjust the playing time of any game. All teams affected will be advised of the time adjustments. The tournament committee has the right to suspend play in any game.
There will be NO body checking allowed in the follow age groups: 2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/2017 and all female divisions.
Will be allowed in all levels.
Absolutely no stick measurements at any time.
Each team will be allowed one-30 second time out per game.
If coincidental penalties are called, NEITHER team will skate short-handed.
A player may receive either a 2 minute minor+10 minute misconduct, or alternatively a 5 minute major + game misconduct at the discretion of the referee. If any game misconduct is issued in the final 10 minutes of the 3rd period, the player will receive at minimum, an additional 1 game misconduct.
Any player assessed a match penalty (A deliberate attempt to injure by spearing, butt-ending, slashing, cross-checking, etc.), or a gross misconduct will be subject to the tournament committee ruling before the next scheduled game.
Will only be allowed when the eligibility of player is in question under the following circumstances. (a). If the athlete plays in an age division where he/she is too old. This rule applies to all the teams entered in the tournament. All protests will be dealt with by the committee. Teams found in violation of these rules will result in the athlete being disqualified from the rest of the tournament. The team in violation will have the games that the illegal player participated in recorded as a loss of 1-0. A team affected who lost or tied against the team in violation will receive an official score of 1-0
and receive 2 points. Under no circumstances will protests be allowed after the round robin portion of the tournament is over. All other protests will NOT be allowed.
No family members or parents and players are allowed to approach tournament committee or officials with questions or comments. Any parents/family members and fans that become disrespectful during a game or the duration of the tournament will be removed from the arena.
Any type of fighting will result in an automatic two game suspension.
All teams should use the tournament website for final game results. Do NOT go by rink boards for final accurate scores. It is the responsibility of each team to know where they stand before a tiebreaker game. Tournament will NOT be responsible if a team does NOT check tie-breaking rules. If unsure please ask Tournament Committee, but the Tournament Committee will NOT project tie-breaking scenarios and outcomes. It is the responsibility of each team to contact tournament committee if their score is not properly recorded on the tournament website. Tournament committee MUST be contacted within two hours from the time the game is completed if there is an error that must be changed.
All out of town teams MUST use tournament sponsored hotels as advertised on tournament website.
There are absolutely NO team registration refunds for any reason.
The tournament will not be held responsible if for some reason a team decides to forfeit a game. If a game is forfeited, the winning team will receive a +7 and the losing team will receive -7 for plus/minus purposes.
All teams must carry a minimum of $2 Million dollars in team liability insurance and the tournament committee MUST have a copy of their team insurance before the start of the tournament. No Insurance, No Play!!
Coaches MUST treat officials with respect. Inappropriate behavior can result in a coach being suspended from the tournament with the discretion of the tournament committee. Any coach who is intoxicated during game play or while communicating with tournament committee or officials, will be removed from the tournament facility. If a coach gets ejected from a game, he/she will automatically receive a minimum 1 game suspension.
Any injured player that appears on the bench during a game MUST wear a helmet.
Players stats will be recorded on tournament website based on the game sheet. If players are wearing different numbers for home and away jerseys, tournament stats will NOT be recorded. No parents are able to request changes to players stats. Changes in player stats must be made by team coaches or managers directly following their game to the tournament rink coordinator. Most changes will be made following tournament.
The last place team after round robin play, in a five-team draw, will ONLY be guaranteed four tournament games.
The tournament committee has the final say in all decision issues. If there are any mishaps during the tournament, the tournament committee is NOT held responsible. If flights are delayed or canceled, changes to the tournament schedule will NOT be made. If there is a breakdown at a rink facility, the tournament committee has the right to shorten ALL game lengths. Floods between periods and games may be eliminated.
No video replay will be accepted on any discretionary calls. All decisions will be final by the officials.
Howe Foundation
Playoff Brackets
Team Transport
Event Details
Named after the legendary Gordie Howe, join us in Saskatoon for a 5 game guarantee tournament!
This event will have strong competition in AAA and AA divisions for both male and female teams.
Reach out to secure your teams spot!
Aberdeen Rec. Complex
225 Central Ave Highway 765
Aberdeen, SK S0K 0A0
Get Directions -
ACT Arena
107 105 Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7N 1Z2
Get Directions -
Canlan Sports Agriplace
205 Apex St
Saskatoon, SK S7R 1C3
Get Directions -
Canlan Sports Jemini
2301 Grasswood East Road, 2301 Grasswood Rd
Grasswood, SK S7T 1C8
Get Directions
Each team may register 20 players. 18 skaters plus two goaltenders may dress for each game. A maximum of five team leaders (Coaches/Manager/Trainers) will be allowed on the team bench during a game.
The roster as submitted on each team's first tournament game sheet will be considered FINAL and those players listed on the first game sheet of the tournament will be the ONLY players allowed to compete for the duration of the tournament. Coaches and managers should be included on final roster.
Each team must submit an online roster of players eligible to play in the NAHC tournament. All changes to the online roster MUST be made prior to the first game, otherwise stats for your team will not be kept, and this includes correct jersey assignments as well (see rule 4).
Players are only allowed to be on a roster of 1 team, per age group, per weekend. A player may participate in their own age group and an older age group, but may NOT participate in two divisions of the same age group (ie. A 2005 born player, may participate in only one 2005 division, and participate in only one 2004 division.
Birth certificates for all players must be carried with the team and be available for inspection upon request. If a player is unable to produce their birth certificate upon request, he or she will be unable to participate for the remainder of the tournament. Teams must provide proof of insurance at tournament check-in along with their waiver-completed form.
Dressing room assignments will be posted each day on the main board in each arena. Any damage to a dressing room will be charged to that team (if you see any damage when you first enter your room please contact the arena attendant). NAHC is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property.
The first team listed is the HOME team and will be identified on each schedule. ALL TEAMS MUST HAVE A SET OF BOTH LIGHT AND DARK JERSEYS. The home team will wear LIGHT colored jerseys and the away team will wear DARK.
Each team may appoint a Captain and a maximum of three Alternate Captains. Prior to the start of the game, the Manager or Coach of each team will note the names and numbers of the Captain and Alternate Captain(s) on the Official Game Report.
When the Captain or Alternate Captain receives a penalty, they will lose their privileges for the duration of the penalty and must proceed directly to the Penalty Bench. Any player who fails to do so will be penalized under Rule 11.1 (d)(iv) – Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
Any Captain, Alternate Captain or other player who leaves their Players’ Bench to discuss any interpretation of the rules with the Referee will be assessed a delay of game penalty (10.1 ix).
All inquiries during game play should be directed through Captain and Alternate Captains. Referees are not required to discuss interpretations with coaches during Game Play. Coaches may request a conversation with Referees between periods or post game. These conversations are not mandatory and are at the discretion of the officials.
Starting line-ups will not have to be identified, however the starting goaltender must be circled on the game sheet.
Teams MUST be prepared to play 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
All referees are approved and are under the direction of a Referee in Chief.
Teams will be allowed a five-minute warm-up at the beginning of the game. If the tournament is running behind the allotted time, warm-up time will be reduced. Teams must stay on their side of the center red line. The referee must be on ice for warm-up.
The referee shall determine which team leaves the ice surface first.
Ice floods will occur after every game.
Helmets and full-face protectors are mandatory for all players. The use of neck guards and mouth guards will be mandatory based upon the rules of your home province or state. Players not conforming to these standards will not be allowed to play until the required equipment is in place. If a player, except a goaltender, loses his or her helmet during the play, that player must immediately stop and pick up his or her helmet and put it on, or leave the ice surface. All helmet straps must be reconnected prior to re-entering the game. If a goaltender loses his/her facemask play will be stopped immediately.
All alternate goaltenders are required to wear protection while the game is in progress. If a team changes their goaltender, no warm-up is permitted.
All games in the tournament are 15-minute stop-time periods. Should a team have a lead of five goals or more at the start of the second period, running time shall apply. Should this lead revert back to three goals or less, stop time will resume. This mercy rule will apply to ALL games of the tournament.
The clock will not be stopped during straight time (i.e. when the mercy rule is in effect) while the referee deals with any penalties.
(a). Penalties during Stop-Time: Minor: Two (2) minutes- Double Minor (2) + (2) - Major: Five (5) minutes - Misconduct: Ten (10) minutes
(b). Penalties during Mercy Rule: Minor: Two (2) minutes. Double Minor (2) + (2)- Major Five (5) minutes
Interpretation 2 Rule 4.8 (b) For the purposes of accumulation towards a Game Ejection penalty, a double Minor penalty will be considered one infraction. (Head Contact, Kneeing, Slew Foot, Spear, Butt-End, Head Butting) Leaving Players Bench also comes with additional GM.
Any player who receives four total penalties in one game will be ejected for the remainder of that game.
There will be no overtime in the Round Robin games. Points will he awarded as follows: Two (2) for a win, One (1) for a tie, Zero (0) for a loss.
The playoff format will be adjusted to reflect the number of teams in each division. The seeding of teams will be based on where they ended up after round robin play.
If teams are tied at the end of regulation time, there will be a one-minute break with no ice flood. Teams will not change ends. After the one-minute break, (A-Side Playoffs) 5 minutes will be put on the clock and played out at stop time with three [3] skaters and a goalie on each side. The first team that scores shall be declared the winner at any point during the overtime. (B or C Side Consolation Playoffs) 5 minutes will be put on the clock and played out at stop time with three [3] skaters and a goalie on each side. The first team that scores shall be declared the winner at any point during the overtime. If there is still a tie after the overtime, there will be a shootout to declare the winner. The shootout rules are as follows:
If there is still a tie after the overtime, there will be a shootout to declare the winner. The shootout rules are as follows:
Each team will pick three players. The visiting team will shoot first and alternates to home team until all three players have taken their turn. If a winner is not declared, then each team will choose one player at a time to shoot until a player scores at the end of the rotation. ONLY PLAYERS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN PREVIOUSLY SELECTED WILL BE ALLOWED TO SHOOT. Each player on your entire team must shoot before reusing a previous player (except goaltenders). This will continue until a winner is declared. If there is a penalty near the end of overtime, the penalty will carry into the next overtime period.
Team standings shall be determined by total points as set out in Rule 15. To determine team standings in the event of a tie in points, the following criteria shall be used: (1) The winner of the game between the two tied teams shall be deemed the winner. In the event of a tie between more than two teams, this tie breaking criteria shall not apply in any circumstances. (2) If still tied after the first criteria, or if the first criterion is not applicable, the team that has the most wins at the end of the round robin play shall be deemed the winner. (3) If still tied after the most wins criteria, the best plus minus goals to a max of + 7 and - 7 per game shall be deemed the winner. (4) If still tied after the plus minus criteria, the least goals against shall be deemed the winner (total goals against during round robin play). (5) If still tied after the least goals against criteria, goals for shall be deemed the winner (total goals for during round robin play). If no winner is declared after the goals for criteria, there will be a coin toss to declare a playoff spot.
Regular icing rules will apply, the no touch rule will be in effect.
There will be NO red line or centerline for offside passes.
The tournament committee reserves the right to adjust the playing time of any game. All teams affected will be advised of the time adjustments. The tournament committee has the right to suspend play in any game.
There will be NO body checking allowed in the follow age groups: 2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/2017 and all female divisions.
Will be allowed in all levels.
Absolutely no stick measurements at any time.
Each team will be allowed one-30 second time out per game.
If coincidental penalties are called, NEITHER team will skate short-handed.
A player may receive either a 2 minute minor+10 minute misconduct, or alternatively a 5 minute major + game misconduct at the discretion of the referee. If any game misconduct is issued in the final 10 minutes of the 3rd period, the player will receive at minimum, an additional 1 game misconduct.
Any player assessed a match penalty (A deliberate attempt to injure by spearing, butt-ending, slashing, cross-checking, etc.), or a gross misconduct will be subject to the tournament committee ruling before the next scheduled game.
Will only be allowed when the eligibility of player is in question under the following circumstances. (a). If the athlete plays in an age division where he/she is too old. This rule applies to all the teams entered in the tournament. All protests will be dealt with by the committee. Teams found in violation of these rules will result in the athlete being disqualified from the rest of the tournament. The team in violation will have the games that the illegal player participated in recorded as a loss of 1-0. A team affected who lost or tied against the team in violation will receive an official score of 1-0
and receive 2 points. Under no circumstances will protests be allowed after the round robin portion of the tournament is over. All other protests will NOT be allowed.
No family members or parents and players are allowed to approach tournament committee or officials with questions or comments. Any parents/family members and fans that become disrespectful during a game or the duration of the tournament will be removed from the arena.
Any type of fighting will result in an automatic two game suspension.
All teams should use the tournament website for final game results. Do NOT go by rink boards for final accurate scores. It is the responsibility of each team to know where they stand before a tiebreaker game. Tournament will NOT be responsible if a team does NOT check tie-breaking rules. If unsure please ask Tournament Committee, but the Tournament Committee will NOT project tie-breaking scenarios and outcomes. It is the responsibility of each team to contact tournament committee if their score is not properly recorded on the tournament website. Tournament committee MUST be contacted within two hours from the time the game is completed if there is an error that must be changed.
All out of town teams MUST use tournament sponsored hotels as advertised on tournament website.
There are absolutely NO team registration refunds for any reason.
The tournament will not be held responsible if for some reason a team decides to forfeit a game. If a game is forfeited, the winning team will receive a +7 and the losing team will receive -7 for plus/minus purposes.
All teams must carry a minimum of $2 Million dollars in team liability insurance and the tournament committee MUST have a copy of their team insurance before the start of the tournament. No Insurance, No Play!!
Coaches MUST treat officials with respect. Inappropriate behavior can result in a coach being suspended from the tournament with the discretion of the tournament committee. Any coach who is intoxicated during game play or while communicating with tournament committee or officials, will be removed from the tournament facility. If a coach gets ejected from a game, he/she will automatically receive a minimum 1 game suspension.
Any injured player that appears on the bench during a game MUST wear a helmet.
Players stats will be recorded on tournament website based on the game sheet. If players are wearing different numbers for home and away jerseys, tournament stats will NOT be recorded. No parents are able to request changes to players stats. Changes in player stats must be made by team coaches or managers directly following their game to the tournament rink coordinator. Most changes will be made following tournament.
The last place team after round robin play, in a five-team draw, will ONLY be guaranteed four tournament games.
The tournament committee has the final say in all decision issues. If there are any mishaps during the tournament, the tournament committee is NOT held responsible. If flights are delayed or canceled, changes to the tournament schedule will NOT be made. If there is a breakdown at a rink facility, the tournament committee has the right to shorten ALL game lengths. Floods between periods and games may be eliminated.
No video replay will be accepted on any discretionary calls. All decisions will be final by the officials.
Howe Foundation